welcome to
Jescott Montessori PreSchool
Every question and comment is important to us, no matter how simple or complex, so if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for then please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
Is there a Waiting List
Jescott is a much-loved centre and so we are not able to guarantee immediate vacancies to new enquiries, but we will always endeavour to accommodate your family!
For those who are planning ahead, we are told that we are worth the wait!
Join our Waiting List.
We have a $40 non-refundable Waiting List Fee.
If an offer of enrolment is made within 4 weeks of this fee being paid, the $40 will be deducted from your Enrolment Fee.
Siblings of children currently or previously enrolled with SA Montessori are able to register to the Waiting List for free.
Unfortunately we are never able to guarantee families an eventual position but we run our Waiting List ethically and conscientiously.
To learn more please download our Enrolment Process information.
What are the Tuition Fees?
Our fees are as follows:
$22 per session
Payable for full term in advance
$123 per day for children aged under 3
$118 per day for children aged over 3
$132 per day
Our Preschool fees are structured according to age group to reflect the differing costs associated with these ages, including (but not limited to) the increased number of educators required to satisfy the legal educator-to-child ratios for younger children.
Payable weekly via ‘Debitsuccess’.
Preschool fees are eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
Enrolment Registration Fee $145
To learn more download our Fee Information
What is Jescott's Quality Rating?
Our current Quality Rating is Exceeding the National Quality Standard in all seven quality areas.
We are proud that Jescott Montessori Preschool has been awarded the ‘Excellent’ Rating by ACECQA twice in the past, holding this coveted recognition from 2016-2019, and then again from 2019-2022.
Can I Visit Jescott?
We feel that visiting in person is the best way for you to get to know us. Simply complete the contact form at the bottom of this page – or email jescott@samontessori.com.au – to make an appointment for a tour.
Where is Jescott located?
We are located at 6 Lorne Avenue, a quiet side street in Magill with easy access to Murray Park, the UniSA Magill Campus and more. Our niehgbours, the Magill RSL, kindly allow our families access to their private car park.
What Qualifications do the teachers have?
We are proud to employ highly qualified and skilled educators, but the most important quality for a Jescott team member is a big heart! Scroll down to learn more about the amazing individuals who form our teaching team.
Does Jescott provide food?
The centre does not provide meals but food is incorporated as a learning experience in the children’s kitchen. Children prepare and taste fruit, vegetables or other nutritious snacks. When it comes to meals it is our experience that children benefit when food is brought from home. This allows the child to feel connected to home during the day and ensures that meals will cater to individual tastes and cultural preference of the family. Download our Nutrition Policy to learn more.
Does my child need to be Immunised?
Yes, to fulfil our obligations to provide a safe and healthy environment for employees, children, families and visitors we do require evidence of adherence to the nationally recommended vaccination schedule as a prerequisite for enrolment and as a condition of continuing attendance. Please download our Immunisation Policy for more information.
Is there a Uniform?
Jescott Montessori Pre-school is not connected to a specific school and as such, we do not require children to wear a school uniform. We do have an optional Jescott T-Shirt that can be purchased if desired. We recommend that parents carefully consider the clothing their child wears each day to ensure it is appropriate for the experiences that they will encounter at the centre.
Can my child Nap at Jescott?
We endeavor to meet the individual needs of each child so we do not have any blanket rules about naps and we do not enforce group ‘sleep times’. Children will be allowed to rest or sleep as desired, however, it is anticipated that children of pre-school age will not require a regular sleep during the session. In our experience very few of the children require a nap during our relatively short hours of operation, particularly because the majority of our children attend only during the ‘school day’ from 9am – 3pm. We do plan the routines of our day to incorporate periods of restful relaxation to ensure that each child’s well-being is supported.
What is the Orientation Process?
If you secure a placement at Jescott you will receive a detailed New Enrolment Pack, including a Parent Handbook, which contains comprehensive information to help you prepare for your Montessori journey. We advise you to read these materials thoroughly. You will also have the chance to speak with our Administrative Coordinator, Mel Koerber, to ask any questions you have and to arrange an Orientation visit
Is it normal for me to feel nervous?
Entrusting your child into somebody else’s care is a big step. It can feel particularly momentous if this is the first time that your child will be separating from you. We don’t underestimate the emotion involved – for your child and for you as a parent – and we are here to support you both.
We understand each journey is unique so we will work with you to create the perfect plan to make this transition as secure, comfortable and happy as possible. If you are not ready for your child to attend full days immediately you are welcome to arrange an early collection time so that your child can gradually transition into the routines of our Preschool day.

Our Story
Jescott Montessori Pre-school enjoys a long-standing reputation for high-quality education and care. This is achieved through the passion and dedication of our skilled educators under the inspiring guidance of our owner, Barbara Langford. Barbara became a Montessori teacher after observing the many ways that a Montessori environment had benefited her own son. Barbara began the pre-school in 1989 and since that time Jescott has enjoyed consistent success by providing a high standard of teaching and care. When Barbara Langford began Jescott Montessori Pre-school in 1989, her daughter Jessica was one of the first students. Barbara and Jessica both remain closely involved with Jescott Montessori, alongside a team of exceptional educators guided by our Director Josie DiGirolami. Family values remain at the core of what we do, and we pride ourselves on creating an impression on children and parents alike that can last a lifetime!
About Us
Jescott Montessori offers a beautiful home-like environment with an interesting and adventurous garden. Jescott provides small class sizes with teachers who are highly motivated and exceptionally caring. Jescott Montessori Pre-school is proud of its long-standing reputation as a much-loved community where children, parents and families feel a deep sense of belonging.
Nido’ is the Italian word for ‘nest’ and Maria Montessori used this reference to describe the period where the young child needs a gentle, nurturing and protective environment in which to prepare for their growing independence. The Nido Playgroup is held in our aptly named ‘Treehouse’ room. The Nido group is for children as young as 12 months, who attend with a parent, to enjoy the activities and learning experiences appropriate for this stage of development. Parents also begin a learning journey as they begin to appreciate the Montessori approach. Our Nido Coordinator guides families toward an understanding of their child’s developmental needs and milestones. The Nido is designed to assist children to become independent and once the child is showing developmental readiness, the Coordinator will assist the parent to initiate the separation process in preparation for the next step into the pre-school.
Download our Nido Prospectus to learn more!
Jescott’s Nido Playgroup operates on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am to 10.30am. Nido fees are currently $22 per session.
Bookings are for a 10-week period and full fees must be paid in advance, prior to each term. Child Care Subsidy (CCS) cannot be claimed for this fee.
The Montessori Pre-school curriculum is a three-year program that prepares a child with all the necessary skills to confidently enter Primary School at age five or six. It is a requirement that pre-school children must attend a minimum of two full days a week*. We recommend consecutive days for optimum continuity.
During the three-year Pre-school Program children experience enhanced learning through the vast array of specialised Montessori materials which are presented at various levels of difficulty to build upon each child’s existing level of knowledge and achievement. Jescott pre-school provides excellent academic and social preparation that will assist children throughout their life. Children become self-motivated and confident students. Attendance at a government Kindergarten or other Early Learning Centre (ELC) is not required as children receive a holistic and comprehensive foundation from Jescott. In our experience children flourish more effectively when provided with the consistency of attending Jescott without the distraction of an alternative environment.
Priority of placement will be given to children who intend to complete their full three-year learning program at Jescott before graduating to Primary School.
Learn more about how our Montessori Preschool Program harmonises with the Early Years Learning Framework.
Our Montessori ‘Work Cycle’ begins at 9am each morning so we encourage families to arrive before this time. At the end of each day we hold a group ‘Music Time’ which finishes with a ‘Goodbye Time’ at 3.00pm. The hours between 9.00am and 3.00pm therefore mark our formal ‘school day’ and we strongly encourage parents to ensure their children are present for this period.
Families are able to choose between enrolling in our Standard Hours (8am to 4pm) or to request Extended Hours (8am to 5pm). Each child’s enrolment covers the full day period of their chosen hours. Families are welcome to arrive between 8.00 and 9.00am, and to collect their child between 3.00 to 4.00pm (if enrolled in Standard Hours) or between 4.00pm and 5.00pm ( if enrolled in Extended Hours).
Jescott Montessori is literally a ‘home away from home’, as our classroom is within a residential cottage that has been lovingly repurposed for our Montessori community. This creates a cosy, comforting atmosphere that is perfect for families who are seeking a nurturing, home-like dynamic for their child. The garden is well established with large trees and plenty of natural shade.
Jescott Montessori Pre-school provides high quality education and care. To achieve this, we employ qualified staff who can offer the expertise, experience and the educational pedagogy to nurture the important developmental stages of a child’s early years. Josie DiGirolami, our Director, leads a team of teachers who are passionate and committed educators. We understand how important it is for children to have primary care-givers who provide excellent role modelling through quality use of spoken language, gentle and consistent guidance, and most importantly, genuine warmth and respect. Jescott Montessori provides this nurturing environment and our children feel valued, respected and safe. We pride ourselves on having a stable, cohesive team of dedicated professionals. The friendship and respect our staff display for one another transfers to our children and families. Our children feel valued and safe. Long-term, trust based relationships are a feature of our Jescott community.
6 Lorne Avenue, Magill SA 5072
2022 School Hours
M-F: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed
Phone & Email
(08) 8332 2090
Contact Jescott
Josie Di GirolamiDirector
Josie first became part of the SA Montessori community as a mum when her two daughters attended Preschool. Josie fell in love with the philosophy and embarked upon a career change that lead her to a role as an educator at Jescott Montessori for more than ten years before stepping into the role of centre Director. Josie’s firsthand experience as a ‘Montessori mum’ gives her a deep empathy for the parents who are part of our community.
Josie is an inspiring leader who ‘walks the walk’ of the values that she encourages from her team. Her personal warmth and her professional expertise ensure that Jescott nurtures the hearts and minds of our children.
What Parents are Saying
“On behalf of our whole family, we wish to thank you for providing Charlie an emotionally and intellectually spacious environment to evolve in as an individual, as well as clearly defining boundaries and disciplines that are necessary to function in a community. As individuals and Montessori educators, you have all continuously graced Charlie, as well as his parents and little brother, with inspiration. Thank you,
“I like to do activities with the beads… It feels good; you use your hands and you use your brain.”
“I think Miss Aria summed up Montessori quite well for a 4 year old! Your passion and dedication to your craft can be seen by everyone who attends/spends time in your beautiful environment xxx”
“Jescott Montessori more than exceeds in our eyes….. We love it, still do, we miss you beautiful ladies everyday and every day that my children once attended was an amazingly new adventurous day where you all nurtured my children like your own. You are one in a million.”
Years Established
Get In Touch
Cedars Montessori - Unley
Chancery Lane Montessori - Adelaide CBD -
Echoes Montessori - Modbury
Jescott Montessori - Magill
Lilliput Village Montessori - Maylands
Little Oxford Montessori - Unley
Rosemont House Montessori - Norwood
Montessori Child is our preferred supplier for educational resources.
Our website is updated regularly and we endeavour to ensure it reflects current and accurate information - however, all details displayed are subject to change. It is important that you contact a centre directly to confirm up to date and correct details.
We would like to acknowledge this land upon which we live and learn as the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and we respect their spiritual relationship with Country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today and we give our respect to Elders.