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Chancery Lane MontessoriFAQS
Every question and comment is important to us, no matter how simple or complex, so if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for then please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
Is there a Waiting List
Chancery Lane is a much-loved centre so we do have Waiting List of families who are waiting to join us. We are not able to guarantee immediate vacancies to new enquiries, but we will always endeavour to accommodate your family!
For those who are planning ahead, we are told that we are worth the wait!
Join our Waiting List.
We have a $40 non-refundable Waiting List Fee.
If an offer of enrolment is made within 4 weeks of this fee being paid, the $40 will be deducted from your Enrolment Fee.
Siblings of children currently or previously enrolled with SA Montessori are able to register to the Waiting List for free.
Unfortunately we are never able to guarantee families an eventual position but we run our Waiting List ethically and conscientiously.
What are the Tuition Fees?
Our fees are as follows:
$143 per day for children aged under 3.
$139 per day for children aged over 3.
Our Preschool fees are structured according to age group to reflect the differing costs associated with these ages, including (but not limited to) the increased number of educators required to satisfy the legal educator-to-child ratios for younger children.
Payable weekly via ‘Debitsuccess’.
Preschool fees are eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) benefits.
New enrolments attract a one-off registration fee of $145.
To learn more download our Fee Schedule
What is your Quality Rating?
We are proud to announce that Chancery Lane Montessori Preschool has been awarded the ‘Excellent’ Rating by ACECQA.
Chancery Lane was eligible to apply for the Excellent rating after being assessed as Exceeding the National Quality Standard in all seven Quality Areas.
Can I visit Chancery Lane?
We feel that visiting in person is the best way for you to get to know us. We offer guided tours to families so that you can see our Montessori environment in action, meet our teaching team and ask any questions that you might have. simply complete the contact form at the bottom of this page – or email chancerylane@samontessori.com.au – to make an appointment for a tour.
Where is Chancery Lane located?
Chancery Lane Montessori is located in the heart of Adelaide’s CBD on the grounds of St Aloysius College with entry via 21 Chancery Lane. It is in close proximity to all major tram and bus routes and has easy access to the surrounding shopping and business district. Adelaide City Council has designated 10 minutes parking areas along Chancery Lane at appropriate times of day to cater for drop off and pick up.
Some parents who work in the city or surrounding areas choose to come in and share their lunchtime with their child and we welcome this.
What Qualifications do the teachers have?
We employ qualified educators, many of whom have studied a four year Bachelor of Early Childhood Degree, who have the expertise, experience and educational knowledge to nurture the important development of a child’s early years. We understand how important it is for children to have key people in their life who provide excellent role-modelling, quality use of spoken language, gentle and consistent guidance, and most importantly, genuine love and respect. Our staff are passionate and committed to providing the best for every child and as a result our children feel valued, respected and safe.
Does Chancery Lane provide food?
Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-school provides nutritional snack foods mid-morning, mid-afternoon and again in the late afternoon for children staying after 4.30pm. Lunch food is not provided by the Centre as it is our experience that children usually prefer food prepared at home which caters to the individual and cultural preference of their family. This allows the child to feel connected to home during the day and ensures that meals will cater to individual tastes and cultural preference of the family.
Does my child need to be Immunised?
Yes, to fulfil our obligations to provide a safe and healthy environment for employees, children, families and visitors we do require evidence of adherence to the nationally recommended vaccination schedule as a prerequisite for enrolment and as a condition of continuing attendance. Please download our Immunisation Policy for more information.
Is there a uniform?
All children attending Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-school are required to wear a uniform. This is for easy identification when the children participate in excursions or visit the St Aloysius College library or extended grounds. The uniform has been designed for comfort, durability and easy maintenance and is available through the St Aloysius College Uniform Shop. Parents are advised how to order uniforms once an Offer of Placement has been confirmed.
Can my child nap at Chancery Lane?
We endeavor to meet the individual needs of each child so we do not have any blanket rules about naps and we do not enforce group ‘sleep times’ but individual children will be allowed to rest or sleep as desired. Some children may require a sleep during the day. In general we encourage the children to acknowledge their own need for a rest or a sleep and we allow children to do so whenever they are ready. We store individual stretcher beds for the children to sleep upon and each child who may need a sleep is required to have a set of linen that is purchased at enrolment and stored for use at the Centre.
What is the Orientation Process?
If you secure a placement at Chancery Lane you will receive a detailed New Enrolment Pack, including a Parent Handbook, which contains comprehensive information to help you prepare for your Montessori journey. We advise you to read these materials thoroughly. You will work with our centre Director, Melissa Wray, to determine an orientation process that is right for your child and your family. This includes practical considerations, such as ordering uniforms, as well as supporting you through the emotional process of helping your child settle into their new environment.
Is it normal for me to feel nervous?
Entrusting your child into somebody else’s care is a big step. It can feel particularly momentous if this is the first time that your child will be separating from you. We don’t underestimate the emotion involved – for your child and for you as a parent – and we are here to support you both.
We understand each journey is unique so we will work with you to create the perfect plan to make this transition as secure, comfortable and happy as possible. If you are not ready for your child to attend full days immediately you are welcome to arrange an early collection time so that your child can gradually transition into the routines of our Preschool day.

OUR Story
Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-School is a centre of excellence providing outstanding education and care programs for young children. Our aim is not only to provide your child with the foundation skills for all future learning, but also to ensure that we create happy childhood memories of feeling valued and loved. The high standard of teaching and care is a reflection of the talent, dedication and skill of our teachers. The Montessori philosophy provides the added quality that makes us stand apart from other early childhood settings.
Chancery Lane Montessori held ACECQA’s coveted ‘Excellent’ Rating for two consecutive terms (2013 – 2020). This was a proud achievement, as it acknowledged the efforts of our educators and the unique programs that we showcased to ACECQA.
Chancery Lane was eligible to reapply for the Excellent Rating up until mid-2023. However, our team members decided that they did not wish to reapply during that period. The robust nature of the reapplication process means it takes a lot of time and attention to write descriptions of our practices, collate evidence, submit the documentation and participate in dialogues to provide further information. We appreciated the recognition of the Excellent Rating but we ultimately felt it is most important for us to be truly doing work that our Chancery Lane community members personally experience as being excellent, rather than spending time or resources describing it for the purpose of a Rating.
About Us
Chancery Lane Montessori offers a stunning contemporary environment with curved walls, light filled rooms, floor to ceiling windows, beautifully crafted materials and resources, a separate dining area where children can interact with the cook as she works in the kitchen and a carefully designed and a large outdoor area that has been carefully designed to promote adventurous play and a connection with nature.
Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-school has two pre-school classrooms for children aged from 3 to 5 years. A limited number of spaces are available for children aged between 2 and 3 years who are considered capable, independent and ready to transition into the pre-school classroom. The number of placements allocated for children under 3 years is strictly limited and priority placement is given to children who will turn 3 years within three months of enrolment. Children may attend pre-school for 2, 3, 4 or 5 days. Half-day attendance is not available. Casual or occasional care is not offered. Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-school provides excellent academic and social preparation that will assist children throughout their life. Children who attend Chancery Lane become self-motivated and confident students.
At Chancery Lane Montessori, we aim to ensure that all of our children carry respect and reconciliation in their hearts.
To do this, we embed these values into our classroom learning program and we strengthen them through our connection with St Aloysius College and our commitment to our local community.
Click here to learn more.
The Montessori philosophy is deeply embedded in all aspects of our centre. The Montessori curriculum provides the philosophy and practices of our learning program and builds upon the harmonious foundations of the National Early Years Learning Framework. Our Montessori program inter-relates with every moment, experience and interaction of the children, our teaching team and our families. The Montessori materials and lessons provide sequential learning experiences in all aspects of this rich and balanced curriculum. A true Montessori program like ours requires skilled and trained teachers who can recognise each child’s unfolding pattern of readiness and translate that to the introduction of new learning challenges. A Montessori classroom is an inspiring learning environment filled with wonderful resources that encourage independent exploration and discovery. Our Montessori teachers prepare the environment to meet the needs of the children. The wonderful and precise Montessori materials are always available for the children to practice their newly acquired skills and extend their knowledge. Children can interact intelligently with their surroundings and become engaged in their own learning at their own individual level of interest and in their own time. Children in a Montessori program are exposed to sequential learning in all of the core curriculum areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Practical Life Skills, Sensorial exploration, Science and Cultural studies. The Montessori materials have been specifically designed to provide a wonderful foundation of knowledge upon which each child can progress according to their readiness and interest.
Learn more about how our Montessori Preschool Program harmonises with the Early Years Learning Framework.
In January 2009, SA Montessori partnered with St Aloysius College to develop Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-school. The relationship between SA Montessori and St Aloysius allows independent management of Chancery Lane. Boys and girls can be enrolled at Chancery Lane irrespective of their connection to St Aloysius College. The location of the Centre provides many advantages for the children and staff through the interaction with a larger school community. This includes the opportunity to visit the school library, enjoy school concerts or sports days, access resources and materials and participate in appropriate extra curricular activities. Parents of girls attending Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-school are encouraged to consider the many benefits of a seamless progression into St Aloysius College for their daughter’s educational journey. Visit for more information.
Chancery Lane Montessori Pre-school provides high quality education and care. To achieve this, we employ qualified staff who can offer the expertise, experience and the educational pedagogy to nurture the important developmental stages of a child’s early years. Melissa Wray, our Director, leads a team of teachers who are passionate and committed educators. We understand how important it is for children to have primary care-givers who provide excellent role modelling through quality use of spoken language, gentle and consistent guidance, and most importantly, genuine warmth and respect. Chancery Lane Montessori provides this nurturing environment and our children feel valued, respected and safe. We pride ourselves on having a stable, cohesive team of dedicated professionals. The friendship and respect our staff display for one another transfers to our children and families. Our children feel valued and safe. Long-term, trust based relationships are a feature of our Chancery Lane community.
You will have the opportunity to meet all of our amazing educators if you visit our centre.
21 Chancery Lane, Adelaide SA 5000
School Hours
M-F: 8am – 6pm
Weekends: Closed
Phone & Email
8223 7323
Contact Chancery Lane
Due to the holiday period, you may experience a delay in receiving a reply. We warmly welcome you to submit your enquiry, but we may not be able to respond until Term 1 commences on 28/1/25. We will endeavour to respond earlier to urgent enquiries if possible.
Our Director
Melissa Wray
Mel’s boundless energy and passion drive the momentum that makes Chancery Lane such a unique place!
Mel applies that same zest to her role as ‘Montessori mum’ to her three lovely young children.
Mel has guided Chancery Lane Montessori through two successful applications for ACECQA’s coveted ‘Excellent’ Rating to celebrate the remarkable achievements and practices of her centre community. Her own outstanding performance as a professional has also been recognised when she was named the Australian Family Early Childhood Director of the Year (2014) State Winner.
What Parents are Saying
“Words can not express the gratitude we have for these beautiful souls that have helped us bring up all 3 of the children. Having the trust to leave your children with others outside the family is not easy but Marvin and I have come to think of all these teachers as extensions to our family.”
“I like to do activities with the beads… It feels good; you use your hands and you use your brain.”
“I think Miss Aria summed up Montessori quite well for a 4 year old! Your passion and dedication to your craft can be seen by everyone who attends/spends time in your beautiful environment xxx”
“Jescott Montessori more than exceeds in our eyes….. We love it, still do, we miss you beautiful ladies everyday and every day that my children once attended was an amazingly new adventurous day where you all nurtured my children like your own. You are one in a million.”
Years Established
Get In Touch
Cedars Montessori - Unley
Chancery Lane Montessori - Adelaide CBD -
Echoes Montessori - Modbury
Jescott Montessori - Magill
Lilliput Village Montessori - Maylands
Little Oxford Montessori - Unley
Rosemont House Montessori - Norwood
Montessori Child is our preferred supplier for educational resources.
Our website is updated regularly and we endeavour to ensure it reflects current and accurate information - however, all details displayed are subject to change. It is important that you contact a centre directly to confirm up to date and correct details.
We would like to acknowledge this land upon which we live and learn as the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and we respect their spiritual relationship with Country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today and we give our respect to Elders.